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Only The Poets


utorok 10.09.2024




Majestic Music Club

Britské indierockové kvarteto Only the Poets si zamilovalo Bratislavu. Po tom, čo zahrali ako support Yungbluda v A4 Studiu, sa vracajú svojim prvým headline koncertom na Slovensku. V bratislavskom Majestic Music Clube ich privítame 10. septembra 2024. Tešiť sa môžeme nielen na nové skladby z nedávno vydaného albumového debutu One More Night, ale najmä na nával pozitívnej energie, ktorou sú ich živé vystúpenia známe.
Predaj vstupeniek (28,60 EUR) začína v utorok, 11.6.2024, od 12:00 hod.

It feels like Only The Poets fell in love with Bratislava. After supporting Yungblud at A4 Studio, the band comes back for their first ever headline show in Slovakia. We will see them live at the Majestic Music Club in Bratislava on September 10th, 2024. We can enjoy not only the new songs from their just recently released album debut One More Night, but especially an avalanche of positive energy their live shows are very well-known for.
Presales start on Tuesday, June 11th, at 12:00pm